Friday, December 5, 2008

Whither Students?

One of the challenges of doing publicity for a student arts center is how to balance our desire to be as "professional" as possible with the reality that most of our audience members are students. So our faculty and performance students want (or at least expect) us to do things like print posters and programs, have advertising in the local paper etc. But, if we were really to target the student audience I'd do more marketing via facebook and other student-centric media. Also, the productions themselves try to feel like "real" theatre - the lights go down, audience members are asked to silence all cell-phones etc. However, if we were really programing for students, why wouldn't we encourage texting during the performance? On the one hand, it's good to train future audience members how to behave, but on the other, shouldn't the arts be adapting to their audiences rather than trying to get their audiences to adapt to them?

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